Through the success of Signature Premier, alumni asked us to impact women earlier in their careers.
Signature Select is a professional development program launched with several global companies passionate about increasing the number of women in their leadership pipelines.
Prospective Candidates
Ideal candidates for our professional development program have reached the critical point where they must pivot from doing and achieving to leading and influencing their organization. They are typically one or two levels below a Signature Premier candidate, and titles include Director, Senior Manager, or Manager with fast-track potential to the next level.
Peer-to-Peer Experience
Participants are invited to 3 days of an immersive professional development program taught by executive role models from Signature Select. They join a peer group of multi-discipline, cross-industry leaders from around the world in candid group discussions, one-on-ones, panel sessions, and networking dinners. An invitation from an executive sponsor and post-session calls with executive faculty are used to recognize these participants as key future leaders.
Practical Content
Participants are facing a critical point in their careers where they are making the pivot from managing to leading. Our Signature Select professional development program gives them the capabilities and the confidence to successfully transition. Our curriculum provides the knowledge and support to navigate through uncertainty, create a basis for action, and have the courage to move decisions and teams forward. Participants hear from role models on how to manage career progression with the external demands of family and personal life choices. Signature Select empowers participants with the skills they need to succeed in today's rapidly changing business landscape.
Powerful Network
Alumni join the powerful Signature Collective, including executive faculty members and advisors who support their careers and life journeys. Structured follow-up activities encourage ongoing learning, sharing, and the practical application of new skills and perspectives. The shared experience of Signature Select also creates deep intra-company connections among alumni who commit to sharing their progress with one another as accountability partners. With the connections and resources provided by Signature Select, alumni are equipped to lead with confidence and drive meaningful change within their organizations.