Over 140 large, global companies have partnered with Signature Leaders to invest in their top leaders using Signature Premier
Prospective Candidates
Ideal candidates are already considered top leaders, but they have more “head room” for growth. They are new to or on the cusp of senior executive ranks. Titles usually include GMs with large P&Ls, SVPs, VPs, Heads of functional areas, and select Senior Directors. These leaders are focused less on building new skills and more on gaining perspective, building a powerful network, plus renewing their energy and passion for leadership through a Signature experience.

Peer-to-Peer Experience
The Signature executive leadership development experience creates a trusting environment where participants candidly share their knowledge and experiences with peers from across companies, geographies, industries, and roles. Successful senior executives serve as faculty and mentors – practitioners learning from practitioners. The 3 days of immersive table work, one-on-ones, panel sessions, and group dinners provide opportunities to expand their networks and receive premier leadership coaching from Signature Leaders.

Practical Content
Our executive leadership development program focuses on encouraging executives to augment the leadership Signature that makes them authentic. Action-based learning from real-life business situations allow participants to test ideas and receive valuable peer and mentor input. Whether it is establishing a personal brand, creating a powerful network, or increasing energy, participants leave Signature Premier with immediate actions and changes to put in place.

Powerful Networks
Unlike typical seminars and conferences, Signature experiences live beyond the 3-day immersion session. Signature alumni move forward with an invaluable connection of peers and C-suite advisors who support their careers and life journeys long after their executive leadership development with Signature Leaders. Join us today and receive premier leadership coaching, and take your leadership skills to new heights with Signature Premier.