“Don’t let who you were keep you
from who you are becoming.”
Bob Goff
Life’s “markers,” such as the change into a new year, help us put emphasis on what might be ahead. I share the quote from Bob Goff because, too often, we define ourselves by what we had been doing or how we had been known. I am seeing it happen around me so much more often as my friends are moving into retirement. Many don’t know how to embrace their new chapter or how to introduce themselves to new friends. “I used to be the head of the energy business unit,” or “I ran my own successful commercial development business.”
While I can’t see myself retiring, my roadmap continues to change as time goes by. That’s why our brand needs to show WHO we are, not what we do. And as Bob Goff points out, that continues to evolve daily. Be brave. Go with the opportunity for growth. And remember, WHO you are needs to be shared, because you are special and there is only ONE you.
Catalyst for Growth has always been my brand. In 2017, I’m going to shift my focus to personal growth. I want to learn new things, take more risks, and stretch myself in ways I did not think were possible.
Certainly, writing my book, Wisdom Warriors, was one of those huge growth moments. So much so, one of my most recent blogs was titled, “I stretched myself and it hurt like hell.” But hurting like hell is actually a good thing in some cases, especially when tackling something completely new. Trying something totally different has so many side benefits. In my case, the year-long book initiative deepened many of the relationships I had and opened my eyes to the crazy world of publishing and book writing. Wisdom Warriors was a year-long initiative, involving more than 100 people and their wonderfully unique stories. Happily, I can say it is in the printer’s hands and will be available January 20th on Amazon.
I think Cargill’s Chairman and CEO, Dave MacLennan, said it best when he said, “Wisdom Warriors illustrates in vividly drawn sketches, why we are so much richer as a result of our differences. Sharing our personal stories not only helps others, but it transforms and strengthens all of us.”
Here’s to a year of growth, risk, stretching, and sharing our differences.
We are all better for it.